Asto'n blogi

39, Laitse, Eesti

If you could live the way you want. You would be happy.

If you can't live how you want you have made yourself a never ending hell and prison.

There is always something to reach, far far away.
Because of it your mind will go astray,
and yet it knows it will not reach.

The tragedy is it is only there to teach,
teach you to see more clearly,
what your mind is wanting to fixate so dearly,
instead it wants to point out what is right near me,
and yet it reached me dearly,
the thing I want is behind the fear of thee,
the thing I want is to find me.


Tervis on eluviis mitte hootine salat sinu taldrikul.


Imperfection is the path to perfection. Though perfection is infinite like the universe.

Sisemine ilu ei peida ennast tagasihoidliku ilme taga vaid särab läbi terve inimese.

Inner beauty does not hide himself behind a modest exterior but shines through the entire look of a person.

Esimene armastus ning harjumused harva ununevad kiirelt.

It's always darkest before you get to the point that life is as bad as you think it is and then you just make peace with life and things get a new perspective.


Naise ülesanne on meest ligi tõmmata, mehe ülesanne on naist ligi tõmmata.
Mehe suurim psüühiline vajadus on, et tema mõtteid austatakse.
Naise suurim psüühiline vajadus on et tema tundeid kalliks peetaks.
Pead mõistma inimest, et teada, kas ta väärib sinu armastus.
Kui sa teda ei armasta, ei saa teda ka mõista.
Põhjus miks vastassugupoolt ei mõisteta on see et ta ei armasta teda veel piisavalt.
Küsimus ei ole et kuidas mõista, vaid kuidas armastada?!


In our minds we are not alone,
In our minds we are over crowded with people,
In our minds we are all alone.

What if we could silence all those people,
what if we could silence all in our minds,
what if we all perceive that we are alone,
what if we all perceived that it's all in our minds,
what if we all in fact are alone as one.

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Parem elada ja mitte mõelda, kui mõelda ja elada täisväärtuslikumalt ning looduselähedasemalt.

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